
Creation Myth

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In the beginning of time there was nothing but a bleak darkness that was a never ending abyss. The guardian of this abyss was a lone giant, a woman named globe. Globe had many powers; however she never had the chance to use them because there was nothing to use them on. Eventually, Globe grew bored over her constant vigilance of nothingness, so she decided to create her own civilization to watch over.
Taking a handful of nothingness, she compressed her palms together as tightly as she was able, until it melded into a mass of hard rock. This rock she called earth. However Globe was not satisfied with a mere rock. She put imperfections in it, which are now known as the mountains.  She formed grass, which led to fruitful trees and rolling valleys.
Her creations needed a life force, so she herself positioned herself in the sky, a beam of light from which the living would gain their life sustenance. Globe’s position in the sky led to her being called the sun. After she was satisfied with the green beauty of her creation, she decided that she needed something to appreciate it. This is when she created humans. She cut a lock from her hair, tying it into the shape of what man was to become. Not wanting the man to be lonely as she was, she did the same for the woman, molding the body as a small version of her own. Still, the people she had made were just dolls. They needed a life force. Globe pierced her finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the dolls. This brought them to life, making them the descendants of the first goddess.
Globe named the woman Demi, due to her small size. Globe gave her a loving and nurturing personality. The man she named Damek, being of the earth. She put them together on her Earth, in an abundant garden full of fruit. There they lived, eating from the trees and drinking the nectar that the fruit provided. They lived like this for many years, giving birth to children of their own, as Globe watched what she had made gain in number as more years went by.
Demi and Damek soon grew bored with their endless lives. Globe had given them no weaknesses. They were untroubled by disease or age. Bu now they had seen their children grow, and some had moved to other parts of the world. Eager for new company, Demi and Damek asked Globe to create companions for them. Globe put her mind to work, and soon came up with the animals; horses, birds, dogs, cats, and elephants. All in a wide assortment of various shapes and sizes, all of them tame. This satisfied Demi and Damek, for they now had a way to amuse themselves.
Hundreds of years passed, and all of the humans had grown in numbers. There were hundreds of them, none passing middle age and all descendants of Globe herself. So it was not a surprise when the strife and arguments began between the different peoples around the world. Globe watched helplessly from above as her creations grew restless as angry thoughts gathered and manifested in their heads. Soon they forged weapons of destruction, and abused the strengths of the animals.   
The strife grew so strong that eventually everybody was angry at everybody. They all gathered at the center of the world, prepared to battle. Innocent comments were made, however were blown out of proportions as the people were looking for an excuse to attack. And attack they did. As their bodies gained wounds, their lifeblood drained away, causing the people to grow weak.  
Demi and Damek watched from afar, seeing their kindred kill themselves. Globe watched from above, grieving over the destruction that her creations had caused. Tears fell from her eyes, bringing the first rain in history. The battle ensued as water fell upon them. Globes grief was great. Her echoes of sadness rumbled the earth with loud vibrations, thunder.  
However, Globe was a nurturing woman, and as much as her people were destroying themselves, she could not bear to see them suffer as they died. The brave and honorable that were dying would be were honored. Globe took their souls and put them in the sky by her side, where they sparkled with the remaining life that they had, becoming stars. Those who had led devious lives were forced to live in eternal heat below the surface of the earth.
As all of this happened, Demi and Damek were still watching in sadness at what had become of the beauty of their home. Globe knew she couldn’t recreate what had been. She went to Demi and Damek and told them to start over; though this time she would make the human race weaker. As the years passed people would grow old and someday die. She would make life for them harder, making the animal’s wild and everyday, starting from the beginning of battle; she would lower her brightness until the time the war was over. This is what created night. As life replenished itself, Globe’s ache for what had happened weakened, and it would become warmer, however, every year as the date of the war came closer, she would grieve, and her heart would grow colder, bringing cold, killing all of the vegetation. This is how the seasons came to be.  
As for Demi and Damek, there came a day when they too grew old and died. Globe gave them
each separate honors for they were, after all, her first creations. Demi was a caring person, and because of this, she was appointed the guardian of the night. She was too shine her own brightness, though not as bright as Globe herself, as a symbol of hope. She became the moon. Damek was given a position on earth. He was to watch over all of the tormented souls living underground.
Every time Globe thought about the destruction of her people, she cried, bringing rain to the earth until it settled into oceans, rivers, seas and lakes. For humans, life was no longer the bliss that it had been. Globe’s feelings were now expressed on earth, so that the people would always know her feelings. Her sadness became rain, her anger became drought, her frustration became the mist, and her temper would show itself in strong winds. Their life was now full of reminders of the mysterious powers of the world that could kill in a single blow, or bring life with a mere drop of blood.
This was an assignment, we were supposed to create our own creation myth. I thought it was really fun.
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